INSIGHT Portable Flow & Pressure Tester FTA-500**


The Portable FlowTester is available for flow or flow and pressure testing. It will display flow rate directly in GPM or LPM. FlowTesters can be set-up for pressure testing in psi, kPa, or bar. Use it to calibrate fire suppression equipment, test pump effectiveness, test hydrant flows, and teach hydraulics. It is programmable to be used with multiple flow tubes of different diameters.



INSIGHT Portable Flow & Pressure Testers


The FTA500 Portable Flow and Pressure Tester has the same capabilities as the FTA400 Portable FlowTester (except the totalizer function) with the added feature that it will measure static pressure. The tester is designed around a modified FRC INSIGHT digital flowmeter with a push button to read pressure. It has a paddlewheel type flow sensor and pressure sensor mounted in the flow tube.

An optional pitot pressure pick-up can be included with the flow tube to allow the Flow and Pressure Tester to read higher flow rates.

fta500 flow tube

The flow tube is shown with an optional pitot pressure pick-up installed with the pressure sensor.

fta500 flow tube

Additional information

Weight35 lbs