Kit No.1. Focus 750w Tripod Scene Light with Honda 1000 w generator**


This Combo contains the Fire Research (FCA600-S75) Standard tall tripod with a 750 watt 120 volt Focus scene light and a Honda generator (eu1000i). Each item can be used sepertly or together.


This Combo contains Honda Generator and Halogen tripod, the Fire Research (FCA600-S75) Standard tall tripod with a 750 watt 120 volt Focus scene light and a Honda generator (eu1000i). Each item can be used sepertly or together.

The finest lighting stand in the industry. The FRC tripod is designed and constructed to be rugged and durable. It is easy to set up, sturdy, and truck mountable. It is compatible with most FRC lampheads and applicable scene lighting options. LED option available.

  • 1000 watts, 120V
  • Ideal for TV, lights, fans, small power tools and more
  • Super quiet
  • Less than 29 lbs!!
  • Fuel efficient – up to 8.3 hrs on 0.6 gal of gas
  • Inverter – stable power for computers and more

Additional information

Weight65 lbs